Jupiter resonance

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Mechanism of resonance

Basic relations

Period of resonance 1/S - 1/U + 1/N = 1/35.587 years corresponds to 3 Jupiter's periods (3*J).
The three outer planets Saturn, Uranus and Neptune synchronize motion with regards  to perihelion Ljp resp. aphelion Lja of Jupiter:

 LS – LU + LN +90° ~ LJ – LJp = LJ – LJa + 180° 

Jupiter's resonance - table
Instants, when Ls-Lu+Ln+90º = 0 (~perihelion) resp. Ls-Lu+Ln-90º = 0 (~aphelion) are in the column Resonance:
Resonance Perihelion * Resonance Perihelion     Resonance Aphelion * Resonance Aphelion
1311,6 1311,31 * 1738,7 1738,34     1329,9 1329.08 *  1756,4 1756,16
1347,1 1346,85 * 1773,4 1773,90      1364,0 1364,64 *  1790,7 1791,70
1382,0 1382,47 * 1809,2 1809,55      1400,7 1400,24 *  1827,9 1827,29
1418,6 1418,03 * 1845,4 1845,09      1435,6 1438,83 *  1862,3 1862,91
1452,8 1453,62 * 1879,8 1880,74      1471,2 1471,39 *  1898,3 1898,48
1489,9 1489,22 * 1916,7 1916,28      1507,6 1507,01 *  1933,8 1934,13
1524,4 1524,78 1951,0 1951,87      1541,9 1542,55 *  1968,9 1969,67
1560,4 1560,40 * 1987,6 1987,52      1578,8 1578,20 *  2005,7 2005,26
1596,0 1595,94 * 2022,6 2023,05      1613,0 1613,76 *  2039,8 2040,88
1630,9 1631,59 * 2058,0 2058.63      1649,7 1649,33 *  2076,5 2076.44
1667,8 1667,13 * 2094,4 2094.21      1685,0 1684,98 *  …
1701,9 1702,75 *      1720,0 1720,52 *

Angles  Ls-Lu+Ln+90° in time of Jupiter in perihelion P and aphelion A.


1809,56 2,1 1845,09 359,7 1880,74 359,3 1916,31 3,5 1951,90 16,1 1987,52 0,5
1815,50 53,9 1851,03 60,1 1886,65 63,8 1922,25 70,5 1957,81 69,8 1993,46 54,7
1821,41 111,5 1856,98 128,5 1892,57 126,5 1928,22 129,1 1963,75 120,9 1999,40 116,3
1827,32 178,7 1862,94 194,9 1898,48 181,5 1934,13 184,2 1969,67 177,6 2005,28 185,3
1833,24 245,7 1868,89 251,0 1904,42 234,6 1940,07 245,1 1975,61 242,7 2011,23 251,3
1839,18 304,6 1874,83 302,8 1910,37 294,6 1945,96 312,3 1981,58    305,6 2017,14 308,5
See also Bruckner‘s cycle (below).

Differences from precise angles of the hexagon:

Graph of differences

We can observe the values even outside the selected points (hexagon vertices).. Let us mark:

 α = (Lj - LPj) - (Ls - Lu + Ln + 90) * 3, 

where Li are longitudes of planets, LPj longitude of Jupiter perihelion. The progress of f(α) in time - the function f translates the given angle into the interval (-180 dg, +180 dg) - is shown in the following graph.


In the chart, we see the minimum around y.1820 (Dalton's minimum) and the maxima in the years 1870, 1950. After developing the chart into history - Norman, Wolf and Sporer minimum is similarly observable, partly even Maunder's minimum and also some significant known maxima (1190, 1270, 1370, 1600, 1780).


Main points

In the following charts, the Jupiter passages are marked with a perihel (blue little circles) and aphel (red little circles) every third pass (Bruckner period):

c_bruckner19 c_bruckner20

Note the exceptions to the standard course at points 1774 and 1952 (perihel) and 1863 (aphel). These exceptions (extremes) progress approximately with period of 89 years. See  Gleissberg's cycle


The 89 year (178 years/2) cycle can not last for centuries (it is inconsistent with the 171 year cycle of Uranus-Neptune conjunctions, ...)
In the vicinity of 1569, however, we observe an axis of symmetry ...!?

                    1454      1489      1525      1561 *       1596      1632      1667     
                         1472      1507      1543      *  1579      1614      1650      1685
According to this axis - also 89-year intervals of extremes develop:
                    1009 1098 1187 1276 1365 1454 1543 * 1596 1685 1774 1863 1952 2041 2130

The years around 1560 are connected with so called Suess minimum...

This incredible period of dryness, as they describe it, persisted “from the 1540s to 1580s in Mexico, from the 1550s to 1590s over the [U.S.] Southwest, and from the 1570s to 1600s over Wyoming and Montana.” In addition, it “extended across most of the continental United States during the 1560s,” and it recurred with greater intensity over the Southeast during the 1580s to 1590s. So horrendous were its myriad impacts, Stahle et al. unequivocally state that “the ‘megadrought’ of the sixteenth century far exceeded any drought of the 20th century.” (Climate Change Reconsidered, Observations: Extreme Weather)
Other graphs
c_bruckner16 c_bruckner18

Similar symmetry axes are (of course) on the timeline more.                It seems to be determined (primarily) by the opposition of planets Uranus and Neptune, and also (secondarily) by the position of the planet Saturn.

Distances of extremes

Let's look at the last 5 extremes (maximum):

12.05.1890 (1890.37) syst18900512.png

15.11.1924 (1924.88) syst19241115.png

15.11.1949 (1949.88) syst19491115.png

30.3.1983 (1983.25) syst19830330.png

2.9.2009 (2009.68) syst20090902.png

The spacing of this data is:

The average period of extremes appears to be the average period of motion of the (non-oriented) axis                of planets Jupiter and Saturn: P = [J,S] / 2 = 8.45662 years.
Let's check what data for extremes we get from the "beginning" in the year 1569 (1569.40, 14.5.1569):

Resulting dates 1890.75 (+0.38), 1924.58 (-0.30), 1949.95 (+0.07), 1983.77 (+0.52), 2009.14 (-0.54) differ from the five extremes observed here for at most half a year (0.52-0.54 year).


The first triple of extremes 1949.88 - 1890.37 = 59.51 years = 7*8.50 years.
The second triple of extremes 2009.14 - 1949.88 = 59.26 years = 7*8.47 years.
Five Jupiter periods are 59.31 years = 7*8.47 let, two Saturn periods 58.91 years = 7*8.42 years, three conjunctions J-S 59.58 let = 7*8.51 years (three Mayan periods Katun 59.13 years = 7* 8.45 years).

Some theories have reached a period of 8.45 years or its multiple of 16.9 years.               But as the source of this period is often considered to be the Moon.

Modulation of the axial period [J, S] / 2 by the Bruckner 3J period leads to the period:

 W = ([J,S]/2, 3J) = (8.45662, 3*11.8620) = 11.09267 years !? 

See  Solar activity

The value consensus of stable resonance period: 1/W - 1/J + 1/N - 1/U = 0 (11.09439 let) and the period W = ([J,S]/2, 3*J) considered here is not accidental. By substitution, we get 1/J - 3/S + 3/U - 3/N, which is the relationship from which we came out above.

The second pole of these 2 periods is:

 Q = [[J,S]/2, 3J] = 13.66573 years !? 

See  Earthquakes

Bruckner’s cycle

Bruckner 35 years (33 years-36 years) climatic cycle.

The first known record of the cycle comes from y.1625 from observation of Francise Bacon. The cycle was rediscovered and described in greater detail by Eduard Bruckner in 1890.

Bruckner‘s period


Dr.Bruckner pointed to

1/ cold wet periods: 1700, 1740, 1780, 1815, 1850, 1880

2/ warm dry periods:   1720, 1760, 1795, 1830, 1860. 
see Clough, H. W.
Google:Synchronous Variations in Solar and Terrestrial Phenomena (1905)

Action of Jupiter


 LS – LU + LN +90° ~ LJ – LJp 

From the relation we get these extremes of Jovian actions:

1/ cold wet periods:


1738.52, 1772.55, 1809.32, 1845.13, 1880.81

2/ warm dry period:

1720.64, 1755.54, 1790.94, 1827.23, 1862.97 (centers of the dates above)

Extrapolation (prediction)

The extremes of Jovian actions continue:

1/ cold wet periods:

1916.02, 1950.29, 1987.45, 2022.66, 2058.80, 2093.35

2/ warm dry period:

1933.16, 1968.87, 2005.06, 2040.73, 2076.08 (centers of the dates above)

Climatic manifestations

Bruckner data J-action minimum Note Advances of icebergs in the Alps Wet in Russia Cold in NW Europe J-action maximum Theodor Landscheidt
big fingers (BFS) & hands (BHS) 
  1594.91   1600-1610     1612.86    
  1630.81   1632-1644     1649.17   S-max
  1667.52   1664-1685     1685.14   S-max
1700 1702.76    1712-1716     1720.64    
1740 1738.52 S-max 1734-1743


1731-1745 1755.54 1756 - BHS S-min
1780 1772.55   1767-1770 1787-1790 1771-1780 1756-1790 1790.94    
1815 1809.32 S-min 1814-1825 1806-1825 1806-1820 1827.23    
1850 1845.13   1845-1856 1841-1855 1836-1850 1862.97 1867 - BFS  
1880 1880.81   1880-1894 1871-1885 1871-1885 1898.42 1901- BFS  
  1916.02   1914-1924     1933.16 1933 - BHS S-min
  1950.29         1968.87 1968- BFS S-max
  1987.45 S-min       2005.06 2007-BFS  
  2022.66         2040.73    
  2058,80         2076.08    
  2093,35         2111.66 2111 - BHS S-min?

* NW Europe = northwestern Europe (Data according to Vilém Bölsche, Rhodes W. Fairbridge, ...)

Follow-up considerations

Jovian perihelions

Resonance  LS – LU + LN +90° ~  LJ – LJp )

Jupiter near perihelion - data y.0-800 AD
           30,66      (11,88)    30,01 (11,91)    41,92 (11,86)    53,77
(35,54)    66,20      (11,83)    65,60 (11,86)    77,46 (11,88)    89,34 
(35,07)   101,28      (11,91)   101,25 (11,86)   113,10 (11,80)   124,90
(37,45)   138,73      (11,86)   136,76 (11,88)   148,64 (11,91)   160,55
(34,50)   173,23      (11,86)   172,41 (11,83)   184,23 (11,86)   196,09
(35,37)   208,60      (11,88)   207,97 (11,91)   219,88 (11,86)   231,74
(34,99)   243,59      (11,83)   243,56 (11,83)   255,39 (11,88)   267,27
(35,84)   279,43      (11,91)   279,18 (11,86)   291,04 (11,83)   302,87
(36,99)   316,42      (11,86)   314,72 (11,86)   326,58 (11,91)   338,49
(34,36)   350,78      (11,86)   350,34 (11,83)   362,17 (11,86)   374,03
(35,65)   386,43      (11,86)   385,88 (11,91)   397,79 (11,88)   409,67
(34,58)   421,01      (11,83)   421,50 (11,83)   433,33 (11,88)   445,21
(36,88)   457,89      (11,88)   457,09 (11,88)   468,98 (11,83)   480,80
(36,11)   494,00      (11,83)   492,63 (11,88)   504,51 (11,88)   516,40
(34,69)   528,69      (11,88)   528,28 (11,86)   540,13 (11,83)   551,96
(35,51)   564,20      (11,86)   563,82 (11,88)   575,70 (11,88)   587,58
(34,52)   598,73      (11,86)   599,44 (11,83)   611,27 (11,86)   623,12
(37,59)   636,32      (11,88)   635,00 (11,88)   646,89 (11,86)   658,74
(35,26)   671,58      (11,86)   670,60 (11,86)   682,45 (11,86)   694,31
(35,18)   706,76      (11,88)   706,19 (11,88)   718,07 (11,83)   729,90
(35,02)   741,78      (11,86)   741,75 (11,86)   753,61 (11,88)   765,49
(34,99)   776,77      (11,91)   777,40 (11,83)   789,23 
y.800-1600 AD
                                                                  (11,86)   801,08
          (37,62)   814,39      (11,86)   812,94 (11,88)   824,82 (11,88)   836,71
          (34,77)   849,16      (11,86)   848,56 (11,83)   860,39 (11,86)   872,24
          (35,59)   884,76      (11,88)   884,13 (11,91)   896,04 (11,86)   907,89
          (34,50)   919,25      (11,83)   919,72 (11,86)   931,57 (11,88)   943,46
          (35,87)   955,12      (11,91)   955,37 (11,86)   967,22 (11,83)   979,05
          (36,93)   992,05      (11,86)   990,90 (11,88)  1002,79 (11,88)  1014,67
          (34,77)  1026,83      (11,88)  1026,55 (11,80)  1038,35 (11,86)  1050,21
          (35,65)  1062,47      (11,88)  1062,09 (11,91)  1074,00 (11,86)  1085,85
          (34,17)  1096,64      (11,83)  1097,68 (11,86)  1109,54 (11,88)  1121,42
          (36,88)  1133,52      (11,88)  1133,30 (11,88)  1145,19 (11,83)  1157,01
          (36,03)  1169,55      (11,83)  1168,84 (11,88)  1180,72 (11,91)  1192,63
          (35,13)  1204,68      (11,86)  1204,49 (11,83)  1216,32 (11,86)  1228,17
          (35,26)  1239,94      (11,86)  1240,03 (11,91)  1251,94 (11,86)  1263,79
          (34,33)  1274,28      (11,86)  1275,65 (11,83)  1287,47 (11,86)  1299,33
          (37,48)  1311,76      (11,91)  1311,24 (11,88)  1323,12 (11,83)  1334,95
          (35,32)  1347,08      (11,83)  1346,78 (11,88)  1358,66 (11,88)  1370,54
          (35,62)  1382,70      (11,88)  1382,43 (11,83)  1394,25 (11,86)  1406,11
          (34,69)  1417,39      (11,86)  1417,96 (11,88)  1429,85 (11,88)  1441,73
          (34,94)  1452,32      (11,86)  1453,58 (11,83)  1465,41 (11,86)  1477,27
          (37,43)  1489,75      (11,88)  1489,15 (11,88)  1501,03 (11,86)  1512,89
          (35,04)  1524,80      (11,86)  1524,74 (11,83)  1536,57 (11,88)  1548,45
          (35,92)  1560,72      (11,88)  1560,33 (11,88)  1572,22 (11,83)  1584,04
          (34,20)  1594,91      (11,86)  1595,90
After y.1600 AD
                                                 (11,86)  1607,76 (11,88)  1619,64
          (35,89)  1630,81      (11,88)  1631,52 (11,86)  1643,38 (11,83)  1655,20
          (36,72)  1667,52      (11,88)  1667,09 (11,88)  1678,97 (11,88)  1690,85
          (35,24)  1702,76      (11,83)  1702,68 (11,86)  1714,53 (11,86)  1726,39
          (35,76)  1738,52      (11,88)  1738,27 (11,91)  1750,18 (11,83)  1762,01
          (34,03)  1772,55      (11,83)  1773,84 (11,88)  1785,72 (11,86)  1797,57
          (36,77)  1809,32      (11,91)  1809,48 (11,86)  1821,34 (11,83)  1833,17
          (35,81)  1845,13      (11,86)  1845,02 (11,88)  1856,90 (11,91)  1868,81
          (35,67)  1880,81      (11,86)  1880,67 (11,83)  1892,50 (11,86)  1904,35
          (35,21)  1916,02      (11,88)  1916,24 (11,91)  1928,15 (11,86)  1940,00
          (34,28)  1950,29      (11,83)  1951,83 (11,83)  1963,66 (11,88)  1975,54
          (37,15)  1987,45      (11,91)  1987,45 (11,86)  1999,30 (11,83)  2011,13
          (35,21)  2022,66      (11,86)  2022,99 (11,88)  2034,87 (11,91)  2046,78
          (36,14)  2058,80      (11,86)  2058,63 (11,83)  2070,46 (11,83)  2082,29
          (34,55)  2093,35      (11,88)  2094,17

(Computed using simplified VSOP87.)

Axial periods

Let Lj,Ls,Lu,Ln are lengths (longitudes)  of outer planets. If angles (Ls-Lj) and (Lu-Ln) are equal, axes of  S,N coincide with axes of   J,U.

Such configurations repeats with mean period: ([J,U],[S,N]) = 35.5948 years, i.e. period of c. 3 orbital periods of  Jupiter (3∙11.8620=35.5860 years).


 ([J,U],[S,N]) = 3J 

In period 1500-2050 coincidence of axes  (0°, 180°)  happens always after Jupiter passing of  perihelion or aphelion (usually within 1 year).

Coincidence of axes
    J perihelion | (interval) Ls-Lj=Lu-Ln | J aphelion 
    1500.95 | (17.51) 1501.71 (18.22) 1519.93 | 1518.74
    1536.54 | (17.91) 1537.84 (17.12) 1554.95 | 1554.33
    1572.13 | (18.06) 1573.02 (18.19) 1591.21 | 1589.91
    1607.72 | (17.54) 1608.75 (18.38) 1627.13 | 1625.50
    1643.31 | (16.63) 1643.75 (18.43) 1662.19 | 1661.09
    1678.89 | (17.75) 1679.93 (17.96) 1697.89 | 1696.67
    1714.49 | (17.78) 1715.67 (17.19) 1732.86 | 1732.26
    1750.08 | (18.20) 1751.06 (18.42) 1769.48 | 1767.84
    1785.66 | (17.14) 1786.62 (18.24) 1804.86 | 1803.43
    1821.25 | (16.84) 1821.70 (18.57) 1840.27 | 1839.02
    1856.85 | (17.83) 1858.10 (17.62) 1875.72 | 1874.60
    1892.43 | (17.79) 1893.50 (17.45) 1910.95 | 1910.19
    1928.02 | (18.18) 1929.13 (18.46) 1947.59 | 1945.77
    1963.61 | (16.81) 1964.40 (18.26) 1982.66 | 1981.36
    1999.20 | (17.14) 1999.79 (18.58) 2018.37 | 2016.95
    2034.79 | (17.78) 2036.15 (17.32) 2053.47 | 2052.53

(Computed using simplified VSOP82.)

(Compare with:  2/S-1/U -> 17.869 years = 3J/2)