The simple relationship of two tones represents the (harmonic) interval (HarmonicInterval, extension of the MusicalInterval object). Combining multiple tones into one unit is called a (harmonic) cluster (HarmonicCluster).
When assessing tone relationships we generally use the theory of harmonic bindings (continuity, impulse), whereas the effect of multiple bindings (both vertically and horizontally) is inferred from the average the overall effect of individual bindings.
The harmonic state is used to assess the effect in the vertical direction (static effect), with the distinction being made 1/ purely formal effect (HarmonicStateFormal) identifying tones of the same name (octave identity) and 2/ actual action (HarmonicStateReal).
The harmonic relation (HarmonicRelation) is used to assess the effect in the horizontal direction (relational effect).
Harmonic stream is a sequence of (harmonic) bars.
A special object (HarmonicProvider) is designed to generate harmonic stream.
Harmonic structures acquire certain properties within the harmonic stream (in a music block).
Structures whose particular properties are extreme are customary called HarmonicFunctions. We consider functions of the following types (HarmonicFunctionType).