Atom core

Magic numbers

Shell model

The nucleuses with so called "magic number" of nucleons have an extreme stability, i.e. the highest binding energy.

Shell model assumes this sequence of numbers:

      (1)(2)(3)(4) (5) (6)
       2  2  2  2   2   2
          6  6  6   6   6
            12 12  12  12
               30  30  30
                   32  32
total  2  8 20 50  82 126

Let us rewrite the previous scheme another way:

      (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6) (7)
 2     2  x  2  2  2  2   2    Helium
 6        6  x  6  6  6   6    Carbon
12          12  x 12 12  12    Magnesium
20             20  x 20  20    Calcium
30                30  x  30    Zinc
42                   42   x    Molybdenum
56                       56    Barium
total 2  6 14 28 50 82 126

Missing numbers 8 and 20 can be written: 8=2+6 and 20=2+6+12 (similarly 40= 2+6+12+20, 38= 6+12+20, 64= 2+12+20+30). Here is an inversion of the previous diagram:

 2     *  2  *  *  *  *  *     Helium
 6        *  6  *  *  *  *     Carbon
12           * 12  *  *  *     Magnesium
20              * 20  *  *     Calcium
30                 * 30  *     Zinc
42                    * 42     Molybdenum
56                       *     Barium
total 2  6 14 28 50 82 126
Sequence M(s)

Let number s be a shell number. We define number M(s):

M(s) = m1(s)-m2(s) = 1/3 s(s+1)(s+2) - s(s-1)

 s       0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  10
 m1(s)   0   2   8  20  40  70 112 168 240 330 440
 m2(s)   0   0   2   6  12  20  30  42  56  72  90
 M(s)    0   2   6  14  28  50  82 126 184 258 350

Numbers M(s) makes arithmetic progression of the 3-th degree.

  0   2   6  14  28  50  82 126 184
     2   4   8  14  22  32  44  58
        2   4   6   8  10  12  14
          2   2   2   2   2   2

Structure of periodic table is not definitive yet. (Even it is not known if it has finite or infinite number of elements.)

Electron shells

Sequence of electron shells:

0,2,8,18,32, .. i.e. 2*n2

Particular orbits (s-p-d-f):
1s     00                     0 0    1
2s     00                     1 0
2p     01 10 11               1 1    4
3s     00                     2 0
3p     01 10 11               2 1
3d     02 20 12 21 22         2 2    9
4s     00                     3 0
4p     01 10 11               3 1
4d     02 20 12 21 22         3 2
4f     03 30 13 31 23 32 33   3 3   16
Nuclear shells
Sequence of nuclear shells:

0,2,6,12,20,30,42, .. i.e. n*(n+1)= n2+n

In the following diagram are the both sequences, the first one: totals in vertical direction, the second one: values in horizontal direction.

 0|  1-1
 2|  1+1 4-2
 6|      4+2 9-3
12|          9+3 16-4
20|              16+4 25-5
30|                   25+5 36-6
42|                        36+6 49-7
56|                             49+7
      2   8   18  32   50    72   98
Equivalence classes
Periodic table reminds mathematical structures (groups of equivalence classes,...)

Also e.g. the beginning of table of stable isotopes is simple and well structured:

 00         0
 01 H       1     2
 02 He      3     4
 03 Li      6     7
 04 Be      9
 05 B      10    11
 06 C      12    13
 07 N      14    15
 08 O      16    17    18
 09 F      19
 10 Ne     20    21    22
 11 Na     23
 12 Mg     24    25    26
 13 Al     27
 14 Si     28    29    30
 15 P      31